
Wetterfest, federleicht, unaufhaltsam
Mit unseren wasserdichten und atmungsaktiven Barfußschuhen bist Du für jedes Wetter perfekt gerüstet. Ob Regen oder Sonnenschein mit ZAQQ kein Problem!
Wetterfest, federleicht, unaufhaltsam
Mit unseren wasserdichten und atmungsaktiven Barfußschuhen bist Du für jedes Wetter perfekt gerüstet. Ob Regen oder Sonnenschein mit ZAQQ kein Problem!

Sei schlau, bestelle schlau!
Nutze die kalte Jahreszeit, um Dich schon jetzt mit Deinen Lieblingsmodellen für den Frühling einzudecken.
Sei schlau, bestelle schlau!
Nutze die kalte Jahreszeit, um Dich schon jetzt mit Deinen Lieblingsmodellen für den Frühling einzudecken.
Raus in die Natur - gerade jetzt!
Der Winter mag kalt und dunkel sein, doch das ist kein Grund, die Füße hochzulegen – im Gegenteil! Raus in die Natur – spür den Winter! Gerade jetzt schenkt Dir Bewegung frische...

Warum weniger oft mehr ist – auch bei Schuhen
Ein ZAQQ Barfußschuh ist auf das reduziert, was Du wirklich brauchst: Natürliche Bewegungsfreiheit, Komfort und Qualität, die Du bei jedem Schritt spürst.
Warum weniger oft mehr ist – auch bei Schuhen
Ein ZAQQ Barfußschuh ist auf das reduziert, was Du wirklich brauchst: Natürliche Bewegungsfreiheit, Komfort und Qualität, die Du bei jedem Schritt spürst.

Neues Jahr, neue Ziele?
Hast Du Dir fürs neue Jahr vorgenommen, mehr Bewegung in Deinen Alltag zu bringen, Deine Füße zu stärken oder einfach achtsamer mit Deinem Körper umzugehen?
Neues Jahr, neue Ziele?
Hast Du Dir fürs neue Jahr vorgenommen, mehr Bewegung in Deinen Alltag zu bringen, Deine Füße zu stärken oder einfach achtsamer mit Deinem Körper umzugehen?
Danke für ein tolles 2024
das Jahr neigt sich dem Ende zu – Zeit, innezuhalten, zurückzublicken und voller Vorfreude nach vorne zu schauen.Gemeinsam mit Dir haben wir 2024 zu einem besonderen Jahr gemacht. Vielen Dank,...
Ein Weihnachtsgeschenk, das wirklich gut ankommt
Weihnachten steht vor der Tür und Du suchst noch nach einem Last-Minute Geschenk, das Freude macht, begeistert und nachhaltig ist? Verschenke einen ZAQQ-Gutschein!Mit einem ZAQQ-Gutschein schenkst Du nicht nur hochwertige...

Eleganz zu Weihnachten mit Barfußschuhen
Unsere feinen Barfußschuhe bieten Dir genau die richtige Mischung aus Eleganz und Komfort. So fühlst Du Dich leicht, frei und gleichzeitig elegant. Sichere Dir rechtzeitig Dein Paar Barfußschuhe für die...
Eleganz zu Weihnachten mit Barfußschuhen
Unsere feinen Barfußschuhe bieten Dir genau die richtige Mischung aus Eleganz und Komfort. So fühlst Du Dich leicht, frei und gleichzeitig elegant. Sichere Dir rechtzeitig Dein Paar Barfußschuhe für die...
Ultragrip & good mood colors for the dreary winter
Are you looking for outdoor barefoot shoes that participate?These models impress with their unbeatable slip resistance and with modern designs. Ultragrip & stylish designs Regardless of whether you wander through...

Exceptional barefoot shoes for the cool days
Do you want a barefoot shoe that stands out of the crowd through its design? Here you will find your special barefoot shoe that not everyone has.
Exceptional barefoot shoes for the cool days
Do you want a barefoot shoe that stands out of the crowd through its design? Here you will find your special barefoot shoe that not everyone has.
Black ZAQQ Barefoot shoes instead of Black Week
While others throw out with discounts, we rely on something much more valuable: quality that remains.Our barefoot shoes are lovingly handcrafted and made from the best materials.Black ZAQQ Instead of...

Vegan through the cool days
Our vegan barefoot shoes combine minimalist design with unbeatable comfort and ensure that you get warm and elegantly through the cold season.
Vegan through the cool days
Our vegan barefoot shoes combine minimalist design with unbeatable comfort and ensure that you get warm and elegantly through the cold season.
The barefoot shoe for every occasion
Are you looking for a barefoot shoe that perfectly accompanies you in every situation?Discreet in look, robust and equipped with a grippy outdoor sole, our EXPEQ is ready for your...
Best protection and support while hiking
We produce our popular outdoor barefoot shoe HIQE in various shaft heights to provide you with the best comfort in every season. Best Protection & Support Now in autumn, the...
Warmly wrapped with a barefoot feeling - barefo...
Do you know the feeling of cold feet that just won't go away, no matter how thick the socks are? Warm feet even in winter There is a solution, warmly...

Customer favorites in autumn
Get inspired by the customer favorites in autumn. These barefoot shoes have been particularly popular not only this season but for many years.
Customer favorites in autumn
Get inspired by the customer favorites in autumn. These barefoot shoes have been particularly popular not only this season but for many years.

Barefoot feeling at home - Slippers from ZAQQ
Today we have a few suggestions on how you can pamper your feet within your own four walls. Barefoot shoes for home.
Barefoot feeling at home - Slippers from ZAQQ
Today we have a few suggestions on how you can pamper your feet within your own four walls. Barefoot shoes for home.

Waterproof & Non-slip | ZAQQ Barefoot Shoes
What is particularly important in autumn? Of course, a waterproof barefoot shoe with which you won't slip on wet leaves.
Waterproof & Non-slip | ZAQQ Barefoot Shoes
What is particularly important in autumn? Of course, a waterproof barefoot shoe with which you won't slip on wet leaves.

Sneaker boot barefoot shoes for the fall
Do you want to walk stylishly and comfortably through the fall? Then you need ZAQQ sneaker boots - the comfortable barefoot shoes!
Sneaker boot barefoot shoes for the fall
Do you want to walk stylishly and comfortably through the fall? Then you need ZAQQ sneaker boots - the comfortable barefoot shoes!
New barefoot shoes in the shop
Have you already discovered the models that we have newly added to the shop this week? New Colors & Materials For some of our popular barefoot shoes, we have new...

Sustainability has priority
From the selection of materials to production to the possibility of recycling your ZAQQs, we consider the entire lifecycle of our barefoot shoes in every decision.
Sustainability has priority
From the selection of materials to production to the possibility of recycling your ZAQQs, we consider the entire lifecycle of our barefoot shoes in every decision.

Elegance with barefoot shoes
After the long summer in sandals, do your closed shoes feel too tight and uncomfortable? Then you don't have a ZAQQ barefoot shoe yet!
Elegance with barefoot shoes
After the long summer in sandals, do your closed shoes feel too tight and uncomfortable? Then you don't have a ZAQQ barefoot shoe yet!

Protection against summer strains
The summer temperatures not only make us sweat, but also our shoes. The combination of heat, UV rays, and moisture can cause lasting damage to your shoes if you don't...
Protection against summer strains
The summer temperatures not only make us sweat, but also our shoes. The combination of heat, UV rays, and moisture can cause lasting damage to your shoes if you don't...

Barefoot shoes for fall and transition 2024
Now is the ideal time to prepare for the cooler season and expand your shoe collection with new ZAQQ models for autumn and transition.
Barefoot shoes for fall and transition 2024
Now is the ideal time to prepare for the cooler season and expand your shoe collection with new ZAQQ models for autumn and transition.

Brand new in the shop: New ZAQQ barefoot shoe m...
We have two dreamlike slip-on sandals for women and several elegant men's slippers newly in the ZAQQ collection. Discover our new models here!
Brand new in the shop: New ZAQQ barefoot shoe m...
We have two dreamlike slip-on sandals for women and several elegant men's slippers newly in the ZAQQ collection. Discover our new models here!

Airiest sneaker available again!
We have the best news: Our airiest sneaker CROQET is finally available again in all sizes. Light & airy through the heat.
Airiest sneaker available again!
We have the best news: Our airiest sneaker CROQET is finally available again in all sizes. Light & airy through the heat.

Barefoot Shoe of the Month
Imagine slipping into light blue, soft velour leather and feeling the freedom of an absolutely flat, flexible sole under your feet. Bestseller barefoot shoe of the month is our PIQUANT...
Barefoot Shoe of the Month
Imagine slipping into light blue, soft velour leather and feeling the freedom of an absolutely flat, flexible sole under your feet. Bestseller barefoot shoe of the month is our PIQUANT...

Boots in the summer?
Why don't you secure your barefoot shoes for the cooler days now? From September, there is a high demand for the autumn models again.
Boots in the summer?
Why don't you secure your barefoot shoes for the cooler days now? From September, there is a high demand for the autumn models again.

Advantages of barefoot shoes
Barefoot shoes offer numerous health benefits that go beyond comfort. They promote natural movement, strengthen the foot muscles, improve posture, and support better circulation.
Advantages of barefoot shoes
Barefoot shoes offer numerous health benefits that go beyond comfort. They promote natural movement, strengthen the foot muscles, improve posture, and support better circulation.

Guide to the perfect barefoot shoe
Barefoot shoes offer you the unique opportunity to enjoy the natural feeling of walking barefoot while protecting your feet at the same time. But how do you find the perfect...
Guide to the perfect barefoot shoe
Barefoot shoes offer you the unique opportunity to enjoy the natural feeling of walking barefoot while protecting your feet at the same time. But how do you find the perfect...

Off to the next barefoot path
There is no better time to enjoy the freedom and lightness of barefoot walking than in the summer. Try out a barefoot path near you to give your feet a...
Off to the next barefoot path
There is no better time to enjoy the freedom and lightness of barefoot walking than in the summer. Try out a barefoot path near you to give your feet a...

The most beautiful barefoot summer
You still don't have comfortable footwear for the hottest days? Then grab your airy ZAQQ now and make the next few weeks your unforgettable barefoot summer!
The most beautiful barefoot summer
You still don't have comfortable footwear for the hottest days? Then grab your airy ZAQQ now and make the next few weeks your unforgettable barefoot summer!

Slip on barefoot shoes: put on in a flash witho...
Our slip-on ZAQQs are perfect for anyone who loves to quickly and easily slip into their barefoot shoes and head out immediately.
Slip on barefoot shoes: put on in a flash witho...
Our slip-on ZAQQs are perfect for anyone who loves to quickly and easily slip into their barefoot shoes and head out immediately.

Black & White Summer Collection
With our Black & White Summer Collection, you are not only comfortable but also stylish on the go. Whether at the beach, strolling through the city, or in the park...
Black & White Summer Collection
With our Black & White Summer Collection, you are not only comfortable but also stylish on the go. Whether at the beach, strolling through the city, or in the park...

Light, flexible & breathable: ZAQQ running shoes
Our running shoes are made from breathable materials and feature a thoughtful design that ensures your feet stay comfortably cool and dry even during intense activities.
Light, flexible & breathable: ZAQQ running shoes
Our running shoes are made from breathable materials and feature a thoughtful design that ensures your feet stay comfortably cool and dry even during intense activities.

Available again: All-White Sneaker
Have you been waiting a long time for your timeless all-white sneaker? Then we have good news for you!
Available again: All-White Sneaker
Have you been waiting a long time for your timeless all-white sneaker? Then we have good news for you!

Airy comfort while hiking
Too warm for hiking? This excuse no longer works, because with QLEAR on your feet, you can't wait for your next tour, even in high summer temperatures.
Airy comfort while hiking
Too warm for hiking? This excuse no longer works, because with QLEAR on your feet, you can't wait for your next tour, even in high summer temperatures.

Airy cotton for the summer
Our barefoot shoes made of cotton fabric are perfect for the summer. They not only look fresh and modern, but also offer you a wearing comfort on hot days that...
Airy cotton for the summer
Our barefoot shoes made of cotton fabric are perfect for the summer. They not only look fresh and modern, but also offer you a wearing comfort on hot days that...

The best sneakers for warm days
Forget sweaty feet in stuffy shoes. The highly breathable materials of our barefoot shoes allow your feet to breathe freely even in summer!
The best sneakers for warm days
Forget sweaty feet in stuffy shoes. The highly breathable materials of our barefoot shoes allow your feet to breathe freely even in summer!

Ordinary was yesterday: Extraordinary barefoot ...
Every single barefoot shoe is a handcrafted work of art that perfectly combines aesthetics and function.
Ordinary was yesterday: Extraordinary barefoot ...
Every single barefoot shoe is a handcrafted work of art that perfectly combines aesthetics and function.

Waterproof through April
In our ZAQQ range, you will find a huge selection of everyday barefoot shoes that will carry you stylishly through the changeable April.
Waterproof through April
In our ZAQQ range, you will find a huge selection of everyday barefoot shoes that will carry you stylishly through the changeable April.

Grab your timeless classic barefoot shoes
Whether for vacation, for the office, or for your everyday activities, these comfortable barefoot shoes are absolutely timeless and will experience many springs with you.
Grab your timeless classic barefoot shoes
Whether for vacation, for the office, or for your everyday activities, these comfortable barefoot shoes are absolutely timeless and will experience many springs with you.

Forget heavy & inflexible hiking boots!
With our ZAQQ outdoor barefoot shoes, you will almost feel like you're wandering barefoot through the woods, but still have optimal protection and support.
Forget heavy & inflexible hiking boots!
With our ZAQQ outdoor barefoot shoes, you will almost feel like you're wandering barefoot through the woods, but still have optimal protection and support.

Which ZAQQ sneaker is your favorite?
Fancy an upgrade for your feet? These sneakers match any outfit with their simple design and offer you the ultimate ZAQQ wearing comfort!
Which ZAQQ sneaker is your favorite?
Fancy an upgrade for your feet? These sneakers match any outfit with their simple design and offer you the ultimate ZAQQ wearing comfort!

Already sold out, but no worries!
Our new boot collection was so well received that many sizes were sold out after just a few days. But don't worry, because in the shop you'll find a huge...
Already sold out, but no worries!
Our new boot collection was so well received that many sizes were sold out after just a few days. But don't worry, because in the shop you'll find a huge...

DOQS - Your new lace-up boots & other brand new...
Finally, they are here! Our brand new boot models fit perfectly into the transitional season.
DOQS - Your new lace-up boots & other brand new...
Finally, they are here! Our brand new boot models fit perfectly into the transitional season.

Barefoot shoe or business shoe?
Why do you slip into uncomfortable shoes when you have the choice of a comfortable companion? With our ZAQQ You run barefoot shoes comfortably and with style for every occasion.
Barefoot shoe or business shoe?
Why do you slip into uncomfortable shoes when you have the choice of a comfortable companion? With our ZAQQ You run barefoot shoes comfortably and with style for every occasion.
Barefoot shoes made from Piñatex and other vega...
Did you know that we don't just use leather for our barefoot shoes? Piñatex, Ökotex, Cotton, Recycled Fabric Not all materials meet our high quality standards for durability, longevity, breathability,...

With only 3 pairs of shoes throughout the whole...
A reduced selection of shoes can be very liberating! You only need three pairs of shoes. Sometimes less is indeed more.
With only 3 pairs of shoes throughout the whole...
A reduced selection of shoes can be very liberating! You only need three pairs of shoes. Sometimes less is indeed more.
Secure your Spring Barefoot Shoe 2024 now
It's slowly time for our unlined barefoot shoes, because spring is already knocking. Feminine ballerinas, sporty sneakers, elegant loafers, or lightweight boots – we have them all! Secure your spring...

Our multifunctional ZAQQ barefoot shoes
Our multifunctional barefoot shoes stylishly take you through the day, from the first coffee at the office to spontaneous adventures after work.
Our multifunctional ZAQQ barefoot shoes
Our multifunctional barefoot shoes stylishly take you through the day, from the first coffee at the office to spontaneous adventures after work.

Customer experiences in winter with ZAQQ barefo...
Do you want to know what it feels like to wear barefoot shoes in winter? Our customers have tried it and are thrilled!
Customer experiences in winter with ZAQQ barefo...
Do you want to know what it feels like to wear barefoot shoes in winter? Our customers have tried it and are thrilled!

Good mood on the foot with colorful barefoot sh...
Studies have shown that colors have a direct impact on our mood. You can use this effect and wear good mood directly on your feet.
Good mood on the foot with colorful barefoot sh...
Studies have shown that colors have a direct impact on our mood. You can use this effect and wear good mood directly on your feet.

Unparalleled comfort in ZAQQ Chelsea boots
Immerse yourself in the timeless elegance and unparalleled comfort of our Chelsea boots.
Unparalleled comfort in ZAQQ Chelsea boots
Immerse yourself in the timeless elegance and unparalleled comfort of our Chelsea boots.

New year, new comfort in ZAQQ barefoot shoes
Have you resolved to be more active and spend more time outdoors in the new year?
New year, new comfort in ZAQQ barefoot shoes
Have you resolved to be more active and spend more time outdoors in the new year?

With momentum into the new year
Together we set new standards for comfortable barefoot shoes in 2023. Look forward to innovative designs from ZAQQ in the new year.
With momentum into the new year
Together we set new standards for comfortable barefoot shoes in 2023. Look forward to innovative designs from ZAQQ in the new year.

Active through the Christmas season
The scent of roasted almonds, gingerbread, or cookies - snacking is simply part of the Christmas season. To avoid gaining extra kilos, physical activity is particularly important now.
Active through the Christmas season
The scent of roasted almonds, gingerbread, or cookies - snacking is simply part of the Christmas season. To avoid gaining extra kilos, physical activity is particularly important now.

Warm & vegan barefoot shoes
With our vegan QUINTIC barefoot shoes, it's twice as much fun to stroll through snowy streets or spend the whole day at the Christmas market.
Warm & vegan barefoot shoes
With our vegan QUINTIC barefoot shoes, it's twice as much fun to stroll through snowy streets or spend the whole day at the Christmas market.

Available again! Being quick pays off
Are you eagerly waiting for your summer sneakers? Then there's a reason to be happy now! Our popular barefoot shoes are available again.
Available again! Being quick pays off
Are you eagerly waiting for your summer sneakers? Then there's a reason to be happy now! Our popular barefoot shoes are available again.

Finally, I found the right sandals
Christoph has found his favorite shoes for the warmer days. His new QLEAR barefoot shoe has accompanied him not only on hikes but also to the office so far.
Finally, I found the right sandals
Christoph has found his favorite shoes for the warmer days. His new QLEAR barefoot shoe has accompanied him not only on hikes but also to the office so far.

Ballerina barefoot shoes that go with everythin...
Our customer Ria found a comfortable ballerina barefoot shoe after two foot surgeries, which she can stylishly wear with pants and skirts.
Ballerina barefoot shoes that go with everythin...
Our customer Ria found a comfortable ballerina barefoot shoe after two foot surgeries, which she can stylishly wear with pants and skirts.

Slip in and feel good - the ZAQQ ROQQ Trail Bla...
Ernst is thrilled with his outdoor barefoot shoe ROQQ Trail Black. Whether in the Alps or in Portugal, this shoe delivers on its promises. More about it here!
Slip in and feel good - the ZAQQ ROQQ Trail Bla...
Ernst is thrilled with his outdoor barefoot shoe ROQQ Trail Black. Whether in the Alps or in Portugal, this shoe delivers on its promises. More about it here!

The 4 seasons in ZAQQ Shoes
Eva already has 4 ZAQQ Barefoot shoes in your possession that you accompany you all year round. However, your new Expeq Wide was love at second glance. You can find...
The 4 seasons in ZAQQ Shoes
Eva already has 4 ZAQQ Barefoot shoes in your possession that you accompany you all year round. However, your new Expeq Wide was love at second glance. You can find...

Barefoot around the world with ZAQQ
Corina has already traveled around the world with her ZAQQ barefoot shoes. Check here to see where she has been with her HIQEs.
Barefoot around the world with ZAQQ
Corina has already traveled around the world with her ZAQQ barefoot shoes. Check here to see where she has been with her HIQEs.

My barefoot shoes for every occasion: SQY White
Valentina has found her new favorite shoe for the summer season. You can read in her experience report what exactly excites her about the barefoot shoes.
My barefoot shoes for every occasion: SQY White
Valentina has found her new favorite shoe for the summer season. You can read in her experience report what exactly excites her about the barefoot shoes.

QOLLINS Brown - my new Chelsea boot for every o...
Our customer Stefanie sent us this beautiful testimonial about our Chelsea Boot QOLLINS. She is thrilled, even though she had little experience with barefoot shoes before.
QOLLINS Brown - my new Chelsea boot for every o...
Our customer Stefanie sent us this beautiful testimonial about our Chelsea Boot QOLLINS. She is thrilled, even though she had little experience with barefoot shoes before.

Love at first step with ZAQQ YORQ barefoot shoes
Judith discovered her love for barefoot shoes a long time ago, but it was only with our YORQ that it reignited after years. Read about her experiences here.
Love at first step with ZAQQ YORQ barefoot shoes
Judith discovered her love for barefoot shoes a long time ago, but it was only with our YORQ that it reignited after years. Read about her experiences here.
Hand-stitched soles from now on
A new milestone in our manufactory - hand-stitched soles on all ZAQQ barefoot shoes. Making the best even better, that is our idea of quality and customer satisfaction. Therefore, we...